Start Your Pup Right!
You've just got a new puppy and the fun begins! Don't forget that along with all the adorableness comes an…
Help Your Dog Like the Salon
Does your dog seem to think going to the groomer is the worst thing ever? There are a few things…
Warm Weather is Coming!
This year has been unseasonably warm and even warmer weather is right around the corner. It's never too early to…
Fleas in Winter?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Winters in the Willamette Valley are not harsh enough to completely kill off fleas and…
Successful Grooming at Home
The majority of dogs and cats that come in to our grooming shop would benefit from additional grooming done between…
Preparing Your Dog for Grooming
There are certain steps you can take to ensure that you dog will have the best possible grooming experience. They…
Tools of the Trade
When it comes to being successful at grooming your dog at home it is essential to have the proper tools. …
Brushing Made Easy
Sometimes the simple act of brushing your dog can be a challenge. Teaching your dog to readily accept grooming at…
Wet Weather is Here
It looks like we are finally having some typical fall weather and the rain that Oregon is so well known…